Books like Life-Size Zoo get preschoolers energized about reading non-fiction texts.
*Sidenote - I graduated!! Yes, I now officially have my PhD. This announcement, while gratifying to make, is mainly to excuse my lengthy absence from updating my blog. Whew - glad that is all done. It has been a long six years of work.
"Can you read me the big zoo book again? From the beginning." I would be exhausted from reading Isadora's new most favorite book Life-Size Zoo except that I am so thrilled that she is so energized about reading non-fiction. What is so great about it, you might ask? Let's start with the huge pictures that show details like an elephants pores or the whiskers underneath an armadillo's armor. Then you add in the side text that introduces your child to the animals name, sex, and age as well as important facts about the animal. I didn't think the name was that big of a deal until Isadora insisted on me reading out each name and its age, almost as if she were getting a formal introduction. Then there are the bubbles at the side of the animal that point out some of the small details in the picture that your child would most likely miss if not directed to it. Where, for example, would you find the scent gland on an elephant's face?? I didn't know. Thank goodness the book pointed it out.